SHIP:Sail:Numeric Functions

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Function Returns Introduced Description
abs Integer/Float v4.0 Gets the absolute value of a number
atoi Integer v5.0.120 Parses a String to get an Integer from it
atof Float v5.0.120 Parses a String to get an Float from it
ceil Integer v5.0 Gets the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number
exp Float v5.1.0 Return e to the given power
expm1 Float v5.1.0 Return e to the given power minus 1
floor Integer v5.0 Gets the largest integer less than or equal to a number
ftoi Integer v5.0 Casts a Float to an Integer
itof Integer v5.0 Explicitly casts an Integer to a Float
log Float v5.1.0 Return the natural log of a number
log10 Float v5.1.0 Return the base 10 log of a number
log1p Float v5.1.0 Return the natural log of a number + 1
max Integer/Float v4.0 Gets the maximum value of two or more numbers
min Integer/Float v4.0 Gets the minimum value of two or more numbers
pow Float v5.1.0 Calculates x to the power of y (x^y)
round Integer v5.0 Gets the nearest integer to a number
sqrt Float v5.1.0 Calculates the square root of a number (√n)
toRadians Float v5.1.0 Convert degrees to radians
toDegrees Float v5.1.0 Convert radians to degrees
towards Float/Integer v5.0.207 Adjusts a number by a percentage in a range towards another number

See Also: