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== See Also: ==

Revision as of 07:39, 8 June 2015

Function Returns Introduced Description
abs Integer/Float v4.0 Gets the absolute value of a number
acos Float v5.1.0 Returns the radians angle of a value that is in the range of -1 to +1
acosh Float v5.1.0 Calculates the arc hyperbolic cos of the given value
asin Float v5.0.204 Calculates the radians angle of a value that is in the range of -1 to +1
asinh Float v5.1.0 Returns the arc hyperbolic sin of the given value
atan Float v5.0.204 Calculates the radian angle of the specified value
atan2 Float v5.1.0 Calculates the radian angle of the specified x,y coordinates
atanh Float v5.1.0 Calculates the arc hyperbolic tan of the given value
atoi Integer v5.0.120 Parses a String to get an Integer from it
atof Float v5.0.120 Parses a String to get an Float from it
ceil Integer v5.0 Gets the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number
cos Float v5.0.204 Calculates the cos of a radian angle
cosh Float v5.1.0 Calculates the hyperbolic cos of the given value
exp Float v5.1.0 Return e to the given power
expm1 Float v5.1.0 Return e to the given power minus 1
floor Integer v5.0 Gets the largest integer less than or equal to a number
ftoi Integer v5.0 Casts a Float to an Integer
itof Integer v5.0 Explicitly casts an Integer to a Float
log Float v5.1.0 Return the natural log of a number
log10 Float v5.1.0 Return the base 10 log of a number
log1p Float v5.1.0 Return the natural log of a number + 1
max Integer/Float v4.0 Gets the maximum value of two or more numbers
min Integer/Float v4.0 Gets the minimum value of two or more numbers
pow Float v5.1.0 Calculates x to the power of y (x^y)
round Integer v5.0 Gets the nearest integer to a number
sin Float v5.0.204 Calculates the sin of a radian angle
sinh Float v5.1.0 Calculates the hyperbolic sin of the given value
sqrt Float v5.1.0 Calculates the square root of a number (√n)
tan Float v5.1.0 Calculates the tan of a radian angle
tanh Float v5.1.0 Calculates the hyperbolic tan of the given value
toRadians Float v5.1.0 Convert degrees to radians
toDegrees Float v5.1.0 Convert radians to degrees
towards Float/Integer v5.0.207 Adjusts a number by a percentage in a range towards another number

See Also: