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Node Home

Node Type Description
resources All reusable items, such as images, are held in the SHIP top-level node defined as the resources node

The resources node is the root of the Resource Area within a SHIP GUI. All reusable items, such as images, are held in the resources node.

The name of the resources node is also resources, so objects in the resource area can be prefixed by "resources.[name]".


The resource node is a top level node within SHIP.

All SHIP Nodes are described here.


The following nodes are permitted within the resources area:

Node Type Description
text Defines a text resource or a visual text representation.
box A generic rectangular container, available as a reusable resource or layout element.
constant Defines a constant value for use in SHIPTide properties or SAIL scripts.
image Defines a resources area, reusable static image.
group Lightweight node that encloses other nodes for pure organizational benefit, or to create an array of nodes.
link Creates a communications link and binds a protocol to a physical comm port.
linkset Encompasses all the traffic between two endpoints in a link.
linkvar Describes shared variables on the given linkset.
text Defines a text resource or a visual text representation.

only these nodes are permitted directly underneath the resources node.


Property DataType Description
name** String The name used to identify this node in SHIPTide.

**available only in SHIPTide; cannot be accessed from Sail scripts at run-time.

Note that the name property for the resources node is hard-coded to "resources" and this cannot be changed in SHIPTide by the GUI designer. While possible, it is strongly discouraged that the GUI designer assign the name "resources" to any other node in the GUI to avoid confusion.


The resources node is not explicitly shown in SHIPTide.