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Node Home

Node Type Description
canvas A RAM-based read-write image area capable of receiving run-time drawing commands.

canvas nodes are targeted for SHIP v5.1 production availability and have limited support in SHIP v5.0. The goal for the canvas system is to support run-time graphing, dynamic loading of images from files into the system, as well as dynamic generation and display of QR codes.

canvas nodes can exist only in the resources area, and can be attached (similar to image nodes) to one or more box nodes in the object property.

The size of the canvas can be larger or smaller than the viewport created by any given box that exposes the canvas, similar to an image in that it is clipped to fit the box inner area, and can be panned/shifted using the offset properties.

Therefore, for example, you can create a canvas many times wider than the box you use to view it and then just manipulate the xoffset property to move the visible portion of the canvas area back and forth inside the box viewable inner area.


The following nodes are permitted to have canvas nodes as descendants:

Node Type Description
group Lightweight node that encloses other nodes for pure organizational benefit, or to create an array of nodes.
resources All reusable items, such as images, are held in the SHIP top-level node defined as the resources node

only a pure series of group node ancestors under the resources node.


The following nodes are permitted within canvases:

Node Type Description
constant Defines a constant value for use in SHIPTide properties or SAIL scripts.
group Lightweight node that encloses other nodes for pure organizational benefit, or to create an array of nodes.


The following properties are available for the canvas node:

Canvas Properties
Property Data Type Description
name** String The name used to identify this node in SHIPTide.
oh Dimension Height of a box model node.
ow Dimension Width of a box model node.
valign VALIGN Vertical alignment of a box model node within its parent container's inner dimensions.
halign HALIGN Horizontal alignment a box model node within its parent container's inner dimensions.
visible Boolean If true (default) this node will be visible iff all direct line parent nodes up to and including the display node are also visible.
opacity Byte Opacity of the displayable node and all its children, grandchildren, etc.

*available at SHIPEngine run time only and cannot be set in SHIPTide. Use a Sail script at shiplaunch time if this property needs to be set when the GUI starts to run.

**available only in SHIPTide; cannot be accessed from Sail scripts at run-time.

Drawing in a Canvas

In a Sail script, the draw built in function causes run-time drawing in a canvas.

The format of the draw built-in function is:

draw(canvas object, draw-command [,arg, arg, ...], draw-command [,arg, arg, ...], ....);

The following are the draw commands available in v5.0.200+:

Commands used in draw function in SHIP.

Command Arguments Description
RESET resets the canvas, does not clear, but puts the pen up and at 0,0 in the 0 degree orientation;
CLEAR Color clrColor clears the canvas to a given color
PENRESET pen up, back to 0,0 and a 0 degree orientation
PENSTYLE WIP Currently not implemented
PENWIDTH WIP Currently not implemented
PENDOWN Boolean penDown puts the pen down (if true) or up (if false)
PENCOLOR Color penColor sets the pen color
SHIFTX Dimension horDirection shifts the contents of the canvas in the horizontal direction
SHIFTXY Dimension x, Dimension y shifts the contents of the canvas
SHIFTY Dimension verDirection shifts the contents of the canvas in the vertical direction
MOVE Float nPixles move the pen forward from the current location in the current direction by the specified number of pixels
MOVEX Float nPixels move the pen from the current location in the x direction by the specified number of pixels
MOVEXY Float xPixels, Float yPixels move the pen from the current location in the x and y direction by the specified number of pixels
MOVEY Float nPixels move the pen from the current location in the y direction by the specified number of pixels
MOVEABSX Float xCoord move the pen's x coordinate to the absolute location indicated
MOVEABSXY Float xCoord, Float yCoord move the pen's x and y coordinates to the absolute location indicated
MOVEABSY Float yCoord move the pen's y coordinate to the absolute location indicated
ROTATE Float orientation rotate the pen orientation from the current orientation by the indicated amount
ROTATEABS Float orientation rotate the pen orientation to the absolute orientation indicated
POLYFILL WIP Currently not implemented
POLYLINE WIP Currently not implemented
TEXT WIP Currently not implemented
TEXTSIZE WIP Currently not implemented
RECTFILL WIP Currently not implemented

Although you would expect many of these commands to use Dimension for their arguments, note how many use Float. The pen position and orientation is maintained by the system in a floating point coordinate in order to retain drawing precision across numerous relative movements, for example drawing a star or box using a series of MOVE and ROTATE commands, such that the ending spot joins well with the starting spot.

Drawing from a file

In order to draw images to the canvas from a file, the follow format is supported. Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) is a commonly used method for lossy compression of digital images. Common extensions for this file format are .jpeg or .jpg. JPEG support is as follows:

Feature Specifications
Elements of color 3 colors (YCbCr)
Ratio of sample 4:4:4 (1x1,1x1,1x1)
4:2:2 (2x1,1x1,1x1)
4:2:2 (1x2,1x1,1x1)
4:1:1 (2x2,1x1,1x1)
Input data All data has to be prepared
Clipping of expansion No support
Progressive No support
Exif No support
