Bought a SIM?

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Revision as of 04:41, 17 August 2018 by TerryWest (talk | contribs) (GUI Development)
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First off, congratulations! The Serious team hopes that all of our hard work will result in a great experience.

GUI Development

Using the Serious Human Interface™ Platform you can develop and deploy a modern GUI in a fraction of the time of traditional C-based development.

Developing with SHIP takes embedded GUI development to a completely different level. You can have a prototype GUI up in running in a few days, even if you've never used SHIP before. Once you're up to speed with SHIP, you can knock out new GUI pages in as little as a few minutes. And you'll be stunned at how little code is involved in creating a modern looking GUI that is completely functional. That's what SHIP does: great looking GUIs, lots of flexibility on what you end up with, and as little coding for you as we can enable.

The SHIP GUI Development Process: Design, Export, Try


SHIPTide is the SHIP Total IDE... the rapid GUI development tool that runs on Windows. You develop your GUI on the PC with very little coding -- SHIPTide helps you with screen layout, importing fonts and images (there are no font/image converters needed outside SHIPTide -- it does all that), and arranging your snippets of code that wires the GUI together.


When you want to try your GUI on a SIM, export the cargo file from SHIPTide. This processes all your fonts, images, text, multi-language, layout, script (you get the picture) and builds a single data file we call the "cargo".


Connect the SIM to your PC and SHIPTide downloads the GUI cargo file over the USB port into the FLASH of the SIM. The SIM reboots, and instantly your GUI appears. The SHIPEngine firmware on the SIM "runs" your GUI and makes it come alive.

If you Like to Read

We know you're out there. Some of you actually DO read the manual. For those of you, here is the technical documentation for your hardware: Template:SIMList