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Node: All Box Model Nodes

Property Data Type Description
fillcolor Color Fill color of a box, filling the box completely within the margin area; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.

The fill color (fillcolor) property of the box flood fills the visible area of the box completely out to the inner edges of the margins, but does not fill any margin area.

The order of the box rendering/calculation is as follows:

  • Background color (bgcolor) drawn
  • Margins applied (ml,mr,mt,mb)
  • Attached image object (centered in margins) drawn
  • Borders (bl,br,bt,bb) applied and drawn
  • Fill color (fillcolor) drawn within borders
  • Padding applied (pl,pr,pt,pb)
  • Inner color (innercolor) drawn
  • Contents of the box drawn

The fillcolor can be any color and any opacity -- from fully transparent to fully opaque.