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See Also


Node Type Description
image Defines a resources area, reusable static image.

Only permitted in the resources area, image nodes define re-usable (and unchangeable) image resources. These image resources can come from a variety of source files, including 8-bit or 24-bit PNGs, JPGs, BMPs, TIFFs, or GIFs, and support transparency.


text nodes within the resources area may be found within the following nodes:

Node Type Description
group Lightweight node that encloses other nodes for pure organizational benefit, or to create an array of nodes.
resources All reusable items, such as images, are held in the SHIP top-level node defined as the resources node

text nodes are permitted only directly underneath these nodes.


The following nodes are permitted within texts:

Node Type Description
constant Defines a constant value for use in SHIPTide properties or SAIL scripts.
group Lightweight node that encloses other nodes for pure organizational benefit, or to create an array of nodes.


Property Name Data Type Description
name** String The name used to identify this node in SHIPTide.
opacity Byte Opacity of the displayable node and all its children, grandchildren, etc.
src** String The file name of a png/jpg/tiff/bmp/gif image.
qr** String A string used to form a static QR code image at build time.
decodepolicy** decodepolicy Directs when an image is decompressed prior to cargo creation or at runtime.
preloadpolicy** preloadpolicy Directs if/when an image is staged into RAM at runtime.
unloadpolicy** unloadpolicy Directs if/when an image is removed from RAM if memory is needed; planned for SHIPv5.1.

**available only in SHIPTide; cannot be accessed from Sail scripts at run-time.

The following image-related properties are common to all displayable nodes:

Box Model Outer Properties
Property Data Type Description
ot Dimension Top edge of a box model node.
ob Dimension Bottom edge of a box model node.
oh Dimension Height of a box model node.
ol Dimension Left edge of a box model node.
or Dimension Right edge of a box model node.
ow Dimension Width of a box model node.
Box Model Vertical and Horizontal Alignment Properties
Property Data Type Description
valign VALIGN Vertical alignment of a box model node within its parent container's inner dimensions.
halign HALIGN Horizontal alignment a box model node within its parent container's inner dimensions.
Box Model Margin Properties
Property Data Type Description
mt Dimension Top margin thickness of a box; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.
mb Dimension Bottom margin width of a box; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.
ml Dimension Left margin width of a box; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe
mr Dimension Right margin width of a box; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe
Box Model Border Properties
Property Data Type Description
bt Dimension Top border thickness of a box; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.
bct Color Top border color of a box; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.
bb Dimension Bottom border thickness of a box; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.
bcb Color Bottom border color of a box; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.
bl Dimension Left border thickness of a box; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.
bcl Color Left border color of a box; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.
br Dimension Right border thickness of a box; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.
bcr Color Right border color of a box; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.
Box Model Padding Properties
Property Data Type Description
pt Dimension Top padding thickness of a box; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.
pb Dimension Bottom padding thickness of a box; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.
pl Dimension Left padding thickness of a box; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.
pr Dimension Right padding thickness of a box; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.
Box Model Inner Dimension Properties
Property Data Type Description
it Dimension Inner area top coordinate of a box model node relative to the display.
ib Dimension Inner area bottom coordinate of a box model node relative to the display.
ih Dimension Inner area height of a box model node.
il Dimension Inner area left coordinate of a box model node relative to the display.
ir Dimension Inner area right coordinate of a box model node, relative to the display.
iw Dimension Inner area width of a box model node.
Box Model Background, Fill, Inner Color Properties
Property Data Type Description
bgcolor Color Background color of a Box Model Node, filling the container completely to the outer edges.
fillcolor Color Fill color of a box, filling the box completely within the margin area; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.
innercolor Color Inner color of a box, filling the box completely within the inner area after padding is applied; not present on lightweight box model nodes such as frame and textframe.
Box Model Attached Image/Canvas Offset Properties
Property Data Type Description
xoffset Dimension The horizontal offset of an attached image or canvas within the inner area of a a Box Model Node. May be positive or negative or 0.
yoffset Dimension The vertical offset of an attached image or canvas within the inner area of a a Box Model Node. May be positive or negative or 0.
