SHIP:System Variable:shiplanguages

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System Variable Data Type Permissions Description
shiplanguages String Read Only This variable contains sequences of 4-letter Language codes. This list of languages is the set configured in SHIPTide for your GUI project, and the first one in the list is the 4-letter code for the default GUI language.

You can easily parse this list using the subStr function, for example:

shiplanguage = subStr(shiplanguages, 0, 4);

fetches the default languages (the first 4 characters of the shiplanguages value) and assigns it to the current shiplanguage.

Permissible Values

shiplanguages is created by SHIPTide and cannot be modified at runtime in SHIPEngine. It is always series of exact 4-letter codes of the form xyAB, where xy are lower case ASCII letters and AB are upper case ASCII letters. The default GUI language is always listed first, at character position 0 in the list.


shiplanguages is a read-only GUI element at runtime, and is never modified at runtime nor stored in persistent storage.

Value at GUI Launch

shiplanguages is set once at GUI launch based on the contents of the cargo file created by SHIPTide.

See Also